Monday, May 28, 2012

[I'm Back] Dubai Youth Orchestra

It has been sometime that I haven't updated my blog, and for all who don't know, it is EXAM week! Academic exams and my violin grade 4 ABRSM exam. My 'career' with the violin has took a big step forwards! I got accepted in the Dubai Youth Orchestra about five weeks ago. The Dubai Youth Orchestra has been formed for a very long time and had its own music academy. We've held rehearsals at The Third Line in Dubai and have already hosted a concert at the Pavilion. The orchestra consists of a variety of people in many ethnic groups and ages of youth. The conductor there, Mr. Imad, is a very passionate and committed violinist. I've learnt plenty from him already, and was warmly welcomed by the community and family committee there. In the future, videos will be taken of the concerts and rehearsals for all to enjoy! Anyone is free to join who is interested [Must be auditioned], with the requirement that the participant is committed and passionate about the instrument.

Instruments include the: Violin, Cello, Guitar, Flute, Oud, and sometimes even the drums.

Please do visit and like their Facebook page which is the Dubai Youth Orchestra and you can visit the website [Still incomplete as its new]  


So it seems to be a trend for me, new year, new game. This year brings forth the strategic card game known as Hearthstone. Initially, i tho...