Saturday, May 24, 2008

Simply Games

There are a variety of games in this world there are action,mystery,fiction,or science fiction games plus a lot more.I have a wii,Nintendo DS,Gameboy Sp,Playstation 1,and a gamecube.I wouldnt be living if games never existed.Every kid has these entertament systems(well they should!!!).Games are so fun.PLease dont be a nerd for games and to avoid this please stop every 1 hour.Well have fun and play games!!!Yeah.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

American Football

Football is a very fun and rough sport.You will need lots of energy depending on what position you will play.Also the size of your football counts too.I use a laser grip football thats good for spirals.I usually play catch with my dad and its fun.I really need to improve with the distance of my throwing.Other then that i think im O.K with catching and good at throwing spirals.If you want to check news on the NFL then look at the lists of websites and you'll find it.Hope you try AMERICAN FOOTBALL!!!

Runescape Memby Excitement

If your wondering what im talking about then you should type in runescape on the google website. In Runescape there are free players and members(memby is the short way to say it).Membys get a lot of different cool items,features,and weapons!Being a member is awesome and very fun.If you want to be a memby then first you should make a freeplayer account.Then you should train that account and make yourself strong.You should try to train all of your skills.Once your powerful then you can be a member.You will have lots of cool features.OH and to be a memby it will cost around $3 to $5 per month.Make use of the membership account and make a good password.If your a memby and need help, then me and you can partner up because im just starting to be a memby too.Have Fun!!!


So it seems to be a trend for me, new year, new game. This year brings forth the strategic card game known as Hearthstone. Initially, i tho...