Wednesday, June 29, 2011


 It has been a long time seen I've updated my blog but anyways, I'm back! I bet you'de be wondering what the meaning of 'Pareidolia' is. This word isn't the average word you'de stumble upon but I actually did. A song by Elena Seigman called 'Pareidolia' was just released. It was a very nice song but I was wondering what 'Pareidolia' meant.
 Here is the meaning from ' The tendency to interpret a vague stimulus as something known to the viewer; such as interpreting marks on Mars as canals or seeing shapes in clouds.

 Basically pareidolia means seeing something in a different way, like the definition above, clouds are an excellent example of pareidolia. Most people would see clouds forming shapes, cars, or objects. Another example is the 'man on the moon.' People believe that they see something else from an object.

What do you see? Admit it, it does appear to be a sad face or some other face.  Excellent example of pareidolia.

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Youtube

 Youtube has been an extremely big network for videos. You can find almost any video you want to watch on Youtube, in fact, you can watch movies! That upload limit for Youtube is 10:00 (Some say 10:59 minutes, but its not confirmed) minutes unless you have a partnership or some type of Youtube license. Before, people who made their account with the 'director' status could upload longer videos but that changed. Lots of people make a career on Youtube, you can make money by simply getting loads of views. You need a certain amount of subscribers and 10,000 views on a number of your videos, than Youtube will play you to post more videos. To add to that, famous 'Youtubers' usually have sponsers which add on to the money! Well anyways, if you have a Youtube, add me and subscribe! These days I just post gaming videos but I will post other types of videos in the future.
USER: Deathfindo

Click to see my Youtube Channel!!!!


So it seems to be a trend for me, new year, new game. This year brings forth the strategic card game known as Hearthstone. Initially, i tho...