I'm a Malaysian college student in the US, I also live in the UAE during the summer. This blog is where I write about contemporary topics or anything that strikes my interest. In particular, this includes: travel, music, fashion, entertainment, and technology, among many other things.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Paintball is a very famous and fun sport.Its a basic game: You get a paintball gun and some bullets,protection,helmet,and a paintball field.Your main objective is to get to the other side of the enemies field.If you get shot it will hurt and may leave a bruise on you.But playing the game is worth getting shot.I used the BT-4 gun at the paintball park.Next time we are using paintball machine guns and grenades.I can't wait!!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Runescape Member Help

Hello in this guide I will give tips on making a bunch of money for members.This is a way to make money for experienced players!
Money:A lot
Location:Lots of places
Name:Fire Giants
To start you will need to finish the waterfall quest.Once you finished it then go and grab your glarial
amulet and some food (lobster and above helps).Bring some good armour and a ring of wealth (you can find this in Grand Exchange for about 32k) also youll need about 2 ropes and some prayer potion (prayer potion is optional).Now walk north of Ardougone and go to the house near the top of the waterfall that has the quest sign on it.Go to the other side of the house and get on the raft.Once on you'll fall on a rock.Right hand click your rope and press "use" with the "swim to rock" up ahead.You will then be on another rock.Use your other rope with the dead tree and you'll fall in on an entrance.You will see a passage.Enter it.You will be in a dungeon with dark spiders that drain your prayer.Run to the west room with the Fire Giants and enter.Defeat the giants and if you want you can keep the big bones or bury them (it doesnt matter).The Giants may drop Rune battle axe,Scimatar,Long swrd,med helm,javelins,clue scrolls,blood runes,charms,gems of all kind,and some other types of runes.Their guaranteed drop is big bones.The rare items they drop are dragon med helms and dragon spears.Once you get a full inventory of precious items then go to GE or the bank.Sell em or keep them for later.Keep repeating this for 5mil in 4 to 7 days.Eazy money!!!
Another way to get money for low level people!
Money:Depends on what you get
Location:2cd floor of stronghold Security
Name:Flesh Crawlers
Once your in the Stronghold Go to the second floor and enter the room with the flesh crawlers.Kill them and they drop herbs like grimy ranaar (worth 5k).They drop other herbs to like dwarf weed and avontoe.Also they drop dust runes which are common drops for them.This money making way may not get you some mil in a week but its good for starters.Flesh Crawlers also drop iron ore (in notes and plain),ash,sceptor handle,and about 50 fire runes.These Creatures can be good training for low level people and high level people.
Another way to make money for high level people!
Money:Good Amount
Level:80 or above
Location:Lots of places like Taverly dungeon
For members who want lots of money you can fight the kalphite Queen but thats pretty hard even though it drops dragon chainbodys.If you want some fun then dragons will help.You will need an anti-dragon shield (Buy in Grand Exchange 500gp or less)Then go to taverly dungeon.If you dont know how to get there then use the map from RuneHQ above.Kill the blue dragons and get the items.Guaranteed drop is dragon bones and some d'hide.Dragons will drop some other things but if your fighting the blue ones then you can get Charms of all kinds,left half of D'square shield (ultra rare),Dragon spear,rune spear and other rune weapons,dragon egg,cooked bass,half a key,level 3 clue scrolls,and a bunch of gems.If you want to kill Blue Dragons at Taverly Dungeon then go to the black knight jail place in Taverly Dungeon and kill the Jailer thats guarding the jail and you'll get a key, use it on the adventurer's prison and ask him about this place and he will give you a Dusty Key.Now run back to the entrance of the Blue Dragons near the lesser demons and use the key with the door and your in! Heres a chart of The weakest to strongest dragons.
Weakest (Top)
-Green Dragon also Brutal green dragon-Found at wilderness near mining place.Lvl 12 of wildy.
-Blue dragon-Mostly killed at Legends guild or Taverly Dungeon
-Red dragon- Wilderness and Brimhaven Dungeon
-Black dragon also king black dragon-Taverly dungeon and wilderness
Strongest (bottom)
Also of course there are the baby dragons of each color.
You can find the metalized dragons in Brimhaven Dungeon near the horseshoe looking mining place near the dungeon sign.Dragons are Bronze,Iron,and Steel.
Picture of King Black Dragon and Kalphite Queen above.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Mall of Emirates Dubai

What i like a lot about Dubai is that the malls are awesome.Theres an indoor ski park in the mall of emirates called Ski Dubai.Its a huge place the Ski Dubai is like a huge skiing park in US.Its really big and nice and theres roller coasters plus a lot of nice restaurants like T.G.I Fridays and Chilis.The stores are pretty cool they sell lots of cool stuff like paint ball guns and exotic picture frames.For entertainment and sound systems theres BOSS,Sony,Jumbo electricity,and even Radio Shack.For sports stores theres Puma,Nike,Adidas,Lotto and swimming equipment at the Speedo store.If you like Persian rugs and antique stuff then theres a lot of local stores to.Are you a women and like perfume?If so then you would like Burberry and Dior or Sk-11.How about toys or games.Theres a bunch of shops for that like The mega toys r us and the three floored toy store called THE TOY STORE (thats where u buy paint ball equipment).Are you hungry for food then try T.G.I.F,Chilis,Burger KIng,Mcdonalds,Popeyes,KFC,Pizza Hut,Dominoes,Chinese foods,Indian food,Arabic food,Indonesian food,Italian food, Dunkin Donuts,Baskin Robbins,Papa johns,and Starbucks Coffee!At Ski Dubai you can go Skiing,Snowboarding,sledding,and snowball fighting.Theres a lot of arcades and big roller coasters that are really fun.Also theres a giant movie theater in the mall.If you want to have some fun then the Mall of Emirates is your place!
How to get around the Dubai Cities
Dubai is a very busy city with a lot of traffic jams.Because of this a lot of people get angry and grumpy.Before i got my car i used to go in a taxi.Taxi drivers can be unpredictable.There are bad and good ones.For example once i got this taxi driver who tried cheating us by pretending to go the wrong way we had to pay a bunch of money that time about 130 dirhams(Thats the money here like dollars in US).But the nice people are really nice giving us discounts and creating conversations with my parents.So whenever i go on a taxi i always hope its a nice relaxing ride.This is how its like in the Dubai cities.
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