Everyone should know what recycling is. You should always recycle because if we don't this world will be our trash can and we don't want that. If you throw trash on the ground it either will rot or it will stay there forever because it can't decompose. What's the solution is it burning? No, don't burn because burning will just cause air pollution, the solution is to recycle. Here are some solutions for a healthier life and a healthier environment!
1. Make a compost bin- It helps rotting down food and is good for your garden (that is if you have one).
2. Reusing- Try to reuse your water bottles and yes i know you may think that its unhealthy because of leftover chemicals but its not much of a difference cause water is well... water.
3. Recycle- Throw used paper, or empty bottles in the recycling bin, trust me it will make a huge difference.
4. Use as much of/ don't waste- You should try to use as much of the item to make use of it
Paper- use both sides!
Pens- Finish all the ink in it.
Food- Try to finish it all...think about the homeless people who do anything for food.
5. Spread the word- Give your knowledge of recycling to people, spread it around just like i am. The more people that do it then the more rubbish is saved (how useful).
Remember knowledge is power look for these common recycling signs on any item you see (look above)
Dear Ariff, good job! Indeed.
Keep it up. A very sustainable way of living and quite Islamic too as we don't waste.
By the way, how is your new sibling?, the long awaited new member of your family.
bye Ariff, keep on writing on sustainability..
Salam Uncle zamri,
Thank you for your comment. My sister is out and doing fine, her name is Aerie Maryam. She loves to cry!!! When are you coming to visit us here in Dubai??
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